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Menu Cart icon Settings

Table of Contents

You can go to the plugin settings page by clicking the Settings link or clicking the mini cart in the WordPress dashboard



Menu Cart Icon #

On the Menu Cart Icon tab you can customize the menu cart icon. You can choose the menu name where you want the cart icon to appear We have discussed the details about the settings options below


menu cart icon settings


Choose Icon: Click the arrow icon to expand all cart icons. You can select an icon from 42 icons

choose icon

Choose a cart style:  Click to select a cart icon design from 4 designs.cart style

Amount behavior: Choose the displayed amount behavior. if you select subtotal then it shows the gross amount of the cart total. if you select cart total then it shows the net amount. Suppose the Subtotal is 20USd then the cart total will be $20 + tax + shipping cost – discount).


Remove Amount: Click this switcher button if you want to delete the amount from the menu cart icon

Icon Color: click the  icon picker and choose the cart icon color

Amount Color: click the  icon picker and choose the Amount color

Icon Size: choose the icon size

Text Size: this is the size customization option for the amount

Choose Menu: There are two ways you can include a cart icon in the menu.

  1. method one: Select the menu where you can add a cart icon. But keep in mind that there are already built-in menus in WordPress


2. Method Two: Go to the Menu section of the WordPress dashboard and click on the Screen option. Check out Mini Cart for Woocommerce and find it below. Click on the arrow button and now click on Add to Menu then Save Menu. The cart icon will be visible next to the menu name. This way you can add the cart icon to the menu name as you like.

Check Screen Option

Go to the WordPress Admin Dashboard >  AppearanceMenus and find “Mini Cart for WooCommerce” as a sub-menu, if not then

  • Checked the “Mini Cart for WooCommerce” on the top  ‘Screen Options


screen option

Inside the add a menu item, you will find “Mini Cart for WooCommerce”.
Add to the menu by clicking the “add to menu” button. You can use it on any menu, as many times as you like


Behavior: Choose the cart icon link behavior.  by default, it will set open side cart. it means when click the menu icon the sidebar will open. but if you select Redirect to Cart page then the cart icon will be linked with the cart page.

Shortcode: Menu cart icon shortcode. Copy the short code and paste it into the desired location of your site.

Menu cart icon in the front-end view:





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